Flashbacks Of 2024

I look back and stare,
The rainbow of 2024.
January brought a friend from hills,
Surprises, gifts and abundance of chores.

Off we took with February,
Capturing the beauty of mountains and sea.
Kerela left us amazed,
Filling us with nostalgia and glee.

March was the season,
Filled with movies and dates.
With best friend’s homecoming,
We devoured delicious plates.

Simplicity was a sight to behold,
Of little celebrations we could gloat.
Inking April in blue,
We cast our first vote.

Chasing growth and comfort,
Sister’s return was full of glory.
May gave me new roles to play,
Diving into husband’s childhood story.

Keeping worries at bay,
June took us on a ride.
Playing everyone’s trip songs,
We partied by the poolside.

Glued to my coder’s screen,
July tossed a career win.
Putting my health first,
Pinched myself the first HPV vaccine. 

August took a back seat,
To hospitals all the routes turned.
With praying hands at the altar,
For Grandma’s health we all yearned.

September called in the party,
And the feet couldn’t stay still.
Smitten with the charm of Ladakh,
We ringed in the winter’s chill.

When Nani left us for heaven,
Sorrow flowed with the wind.
Buried in deep grief,
The brightness of October dimmed. 

Walking through the roads of November,
Some memories were created new.
Chit-chatting with long-distance bestie,
Moments felt so few.

Riding the distance with mood swings,
December betrayed the gloomy days.
Tigers of Ranthambore kingdom,
Captured everyone’s gaze.

Feels like future is here,
Knocking doors with 2025.
Opening my heart to another year,
To cherish this life and thrive!

© Inking Expressions
30th December 2024.

7 thoughts on “Flashbacks Of 2024

  1. What a wonderful way to chronicle each month of the year gone by. It was good year it seems with friends and family and travel. Wishing you a happy 2025 Nibha.

  2. I’m sorry about your grandmother, May her soul rest in peace. Loved reading your journey through 2024, it was heartwarming and joyful. Travel always lightens everything and refreshes the mind. Wishing you a fantastic 2025 Nibha.

  3. What a lovely way to recap,Nibha. Sorry to hear about your Nani. I miss mine even today and I lost her over 14 years ago.
    Glad it was an year that brought you joy around friends and showed your newer pastures with travel. Happy 2025 to you! May it be the best!

  4. Sorry for your loss. You had quite an eventful year. Loved how you captured each month through these verses.
    Here’s to more travel and good times. Happy new year.

  5. What a beautiful way to capture the year through your poem, Nibha! I’m sorry to hear about your Nani’s passing. Recalled losing mine years ago and it still feels very sad. You had a packed year and it was such a mix! Wishing you an amazing and eventful year in 2025, NIbha! May all that you hope for, come true.
    Esha recently wrote…My Word Of The Year | #WOTY 2025My Profile

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