December-ing Into The Future
2025 is just a few days away now. It feels like literally stepping into the future, isn’t it? Somehow, I always imagined 2025 to be very far away where many sci-fi stories used to be set in. Entering 2025 just doesn’t feel real. The way time has flown by recently since COVID-19 is beyond belief.
Well, it is what it is!
Sipping coffee and staring at the winter sunset from my balcony speaks of a luxury I haven’t experienced for a very long time. With winds taking away the pollution, the sun is shining brightly this winter and giving the perfect December feels.
Having spent a part of my life in the hills where winter is kind during the day with the sun-soaking siesta, this winter is a page of pure nostalgia. To be able to witness December blue skies in NCR has become a rare phenomenon in the last few years. But this year, the wishes were granted, and I got to experience the December I always longed for.
December always held a special place in my heart, being my birth month. The cozy inset of winters which mark the end of the year is a perfect time for introspection. Blowing out the candles on the cake, I walked deeper into the traps of adulting this year. With another page turned, life has started to feel heavy suddenly. As if the race is just getting started but the desire to run has extinguished.
It is surprising how the uncertainty of decisions never ends at any age. There are always new paths to decide which one to take and always new consequences. It’s that time of the age when nothing equates to achieving the invisible goals of society.
The carousel never stops, and December after December comes again.
A few days later, there will be a sea of year’s achievements, the glorified lists of top 10s, and wrap-ups of the year 2024. But before we reach there, I want to hit snooze for a while and enjoy this sunny December and glorify it. I want to just hold on to it while it lasts before January turns a cold page soon again.

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