Rewriting Fate#AtoZChallenge


Read previous parts here: one | two | three

There will be time when the curse will turn, when a daughter will repay the love of the mother, and then the stone will turn from blue to red

The words of prophecy rung in her ears and she found it hard to concentrate. Time was running out of her hand. She didn’t even know whom to trust. What if it was just another plot to kill her and her mother to take away the kingdom.

“I know what you are thinking”, said the elf after few minutes of silence.
“Huh?” She gave him a blank look.
“You are not sure if you can trust me, right?”
“Umm.. no.. it’s not like that”, she stammered.
“I know I know, you don’t have to trust me if you don’t want to and I won’t justify myself either. It’s your day today, it’s your call”, he sat down as he said this.
She was perplexed as to what should she take. She wasn’t afraid of the sacrifice she would have to put herself to but more about what if this was a hoax and this kingdom would go in all the wrong hands. She decided to have a second opinion before she took any step. Just when she got up leave, something caught her eyes.
In attempt of taking out the scroll of the prophecy, two of the newer scroll had fallen on the floor which had rolled towards the chair, partially revealing its contents.
She went on to pick each of them, one of it had the sketch of her grandmother, Queen Eliza and other with the sketch of her mom’s. She looked up quizzically because the words written weren’t of the language she knew.
“These are the fate of Queens that are or were your predecessor”, the elf got up and spoke. “I was the Royal Advisor in Queen Eliza’s reign. I stepped down from my responsibilities after your mother took the throne.
She now remembered the stories her mother had told her in her childhood about an elf who was one of the Elders, his wit and intellect had always been the talk of the town. The trust that she was lacking till now grew itself in her heart.
“I will do the sacrifice. Tell me what I have to do”, she spoke with calmness and determination.
“God bless you. The kingdom is finally in the right hands”, he spoke and then smiled.
“Please tell me what I have to do. I don’t have much time left”
“I only knew the prophecy my child. We need to figure it how to do it.”
“What!!”, she almost shouted.
“Calm down my child. But I do know someone who could help us. Let’s go rewrite your Fate, we should be there before the sun sets and the night falls”, he spoke with serenity.

…to be continued here

Written for A to Z Challenge 2016

Theme this month: A story A week


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