The (S)upper #AtoZChallenge

Today was pleasant day. With clouds rescuing the city from the scotching sun and cool sea breeze swaying the trees, it made a pleasant sight from her balcony. She had woken up rather late today. She grabbed the newspaper and her morning cup of coffee and sat in her balcony enjoying the breeze. Sometime passed by and the newspaper had been replaced by Love in the time of Cholera, her current read. Her phone was somewhere in some corner of the house she didn’t bother checking.

The doorbell rung breaking her reverie. She happily opened the door and received the gift she was waiting for since morning. She had already received the message the previous day it will be delivered to her today. She unwrapped it and found herself a navy blue knee-length dress. She rushed to the other room and showed it to her friend. Her face spoke of all the happiness she was feeling within. She then vanished to get ready.

Sometime later, she was dressed up in her new dress with matching stilettos. As she applied the liner to her eyes, her friend playfully questioned her, ” A date??”
“Yes!!!” and she winked.
Minutes later she walked out of the house, checking her movie ticket and supper reservation later. Self-love is the starting of all kinds of love, she said to herself. It was her first date with herself, the first gift she bought for herself.

There is no one who hadn’t known love. We all have been touched by it at some point or the other. So this April I will take you through the little snippets of love that will warm your heart, touch your soul and might moist your eyes. Stay tuned and watch love unfold daily in new ways.

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