The Hidden Monster

“Oh, see how tall you are! You are definitely joining our Basketball team this year!”
The paints and brushes in his closet died a silent death.

“You take too many sick leaves. You can’t get the raise equal to the men in your team”
The PPTs of the night long hours let out a sigh.

“Oh, she is not so beautiful, she can’t be our daughter-in-law”,
Love in his heart jumped off the cliff.

“You should reduce a few kilos else who will marry you.”
The car in her garage skipped a heartbeat.

“You have a great figure, you should be a model”
The Degrees in her folder felt humiliated.

“He got the promotion. Must be having some good contacts for sure”
The hard work for months went down the drain.

“You can’t marry him, he’s not of the same caste”
Friendship was told that marriage will always be arranged.

“Oh you don’t have any son!”
The mother of two daughter was still a mother.

“Your stars don’t match”
The music of their rhythmic hearts was never heard.

“Why aren’t you fair? Try this or that”
Nobody witness her golden heart.

“What are you reading? Go learn to cook something”
The books on the shelf shed a tear.

“Why are you in the kitchen? Go play”
The creative recipes went uncooked.

”What has happened to you?” She asked her friend who was reading out the two line stories she had come up with.
“These hurt?”
“These are only few of the many. But still we judge others? Don’t we?
“’Yes! That’s the way society is”
“No, we make the society. So if we change, then society will change too. But nobody wants to. Everyone just easily judges the other on the stereotypes our previous generation has set”
“But stereotypes are there for a reason”
“Agreed but those reasons were valid to the people who faced them and hence created them. We can change them instead of blindly feeding the monster these stereotypes have become. It’s like a hidden monster eating out our individuality based on what our ancestors might have done. We can choose not to judge and free our successors from the clutches of this monsters. Can’t we?”
“Yes we can, only if we want to. But will our elders agree to this?”
“Do we agree to everything that say? But if we know what’s right for the greater good then may be we can hope for the change”
“May be!”
“Only if we pledge to kill the stereotypes!”

I am taking part in The Write Tribe Problogger October 2017 Blogging Challenge

Prompt: Monster

Write Tribe

15 thoughts on “The Hidden Monster

  1. Society and its judgements will never cease to exist. I believe in being the change I want to see around me. Let me change myself, stop being judgemental and then turn a deaf ear to all that society has to say.
    I can so relate to every word here, Nibha. Have heard so much in my 44 years, I don’t know what more is left!

  2. This does hit home, yes. We do fall in line with the stereotypes, sometimes inadvertently. It encourages society to be more so, I guess. More so, there’s a fear of how society will react to our rebelliousness if we do rebel. Once that dies down, there’s hope.

  3. Gandhi ji once aid “Be the change you want to see”. It is damn right. Guess it is high time we stop thinking about society and stop following senseless stereotypes. We need to raise above them…the change we wish to see will follow automatically!

  4. Change is hard but that’s exactly what is needed to bring in the new, and break the stereotype! Hard-hitting post, Nibha. Well written.

  5. That’s a powerful one and a different take on the prompt. Yes, we need to kill the monsters of the stereotypes that our ingrained deeply in the psyche of our society. Good one, Nibha!

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