The Sunday Scroll #12

Sunday Scroll

Hi all,

Well this week was a roller coaster ride of emotions! From a lowly low to a highly high! Yes, it happens! Why? Even I don’t know why! Or may be I do! ๐Ÿ˜› But it happens and happens again, there is no point complaining it. It was during this ride, I jumped into the Ultimate Blog Challenge just at the last moment, having decided against it earlier. Yes sometimes emotions lets you take random decisions totally! ย Aaaaaand this week brought good news as well and made it end with a perfectly perfect happy ending! ๐Ÿ˜€

Firstly, My poem Lost Smile, was selected as the Exceptional Poem for the month of June ๐Ÿ™‚




Secondly, Crumpled Voices (anthology of short stories based on Social Issues) is finally out of print and will reach my hands in just a few days time! I’m so excited. You can order it here. ย Here’s the First Look:

crumpled voices


Lastly, I got another order at my little store Kraft Cona.ย 

Moreover, This week I was on a complete shopping spree but I just wonder why couldn’t I find something perfectly irresistible. Yes,ย I didn’t and the shopaholic inside me is still complaining. What do I do? The sale season all around me is tantalizing but I’m just not able to find the perfect dress for myself. God bless my friends whose patience is bitterly tested by my shopping standards ๐Ÿ˜› Does it happen with you too?



So, finally after a tiring week and a happy weekend, college re-opens tomorrow. Got to go now!

Until Next Sunday,

Keep Smiling!


Linking this post to Ultimate Blog Challenge- Day 6



12 thoughts on “The Sunday Scroll #12

  1. Hi! Congratulations on all the good things that came your way!! That’s wonderful ๐Ÿ™‚ and yes, I have that happen all the time…when I want to find something, I never do, and when I’m just wandering, I find all kinds of things. Thank you very much for the visit to my blog ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. Congrats for prize .its always a good tonic
    to have prize for our act.Enthu level get recharged.God bless u forever .& U also
    Must have positive mind.. Your good mood
    Also give us immense pleasure to share……

  3. ลol.. To that last picture. Many many congratulations. You seemed to have had an exceptionally good week. I like the way you elaborate on the good and leave out the bad.

  4. A very happening week. Congratulations for all your achievements! way to go, Nibha ๐Ÿ™‚

  5. WEll done and Congratulationsssssssssssssssss ..

    and i agree with that shopping is a ART.. I only wish I know that art ๐Ÿ™‚

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