The Sunday Scroll #31 #BangaloreBytes
Have you ever been so happy that it felt like a dream? That happy that you are scared that something might ruin everything? Yes, that’s the happiness I’m talking about! I was this happy when the plane took off from Bangalore! I never thought that it would bring me so much happiness, but it did! When I had landed here almost two and a half months ago, I had a total different perspective about the city and the life I was going to have here. But everything didn’t go as planned. What I did experience here was totally contrast to what I had initially thought I would! Life is like that, I should get used to it by now. It rarely gives you want want but what what you need.
I have been living in different cities since my childhood. I have stories and experiences of different cites but this experience in Bangalore had been totally different as of now. It gave me which no city hasn’t given me yet. It taught me lessons which I will hold on to for the rest of my life. It gave strength to bear all the odds that came by. It gave me courage to walk alone when I had no hand to hold. It taught me to hold on to hope even if things weren’t in favor. It taught me even if everything seems to be going wrong, something WILL go right unexpectedly. It gave me warmth and it came from people I had never expected it. It gave me independence to step out and explore on my own. It told me that sometimes the judgement can go wrong and it’s OK. It taught me all friendships aren’t meant to be forever. It showed me that even strangers can help and all people aren’t bad either. It told me that isn’t necessary to meet for creating and nurturing new friendships. Friendship is a gift and should be embraced whole heartedly.

As I take off from here, apart from the heavy luggage I take with me so many life lessons. As I look back now, I feel proud as I see myself successful in facing all the challenges a new city has to offer. I see a wiser and self dependant version of myself. Though there were let downs and many low moments when I felt like giving up. But then the love and strength of parents and friends helped me to get going. There are a few regrets too. As I had anticipated, I couldn’t explore as much as I wanted to. But there’s always a next time and whenever it will be, I won’t be sparing any place.
As of now, I bid goodbye. It was fun exploring and learning new aspects of the journey called life. And now it’s time to add yet another station to this journey!
Have you ever felt happy leaving a city?? Like moving to other city is for good ??
Really good post for me as sharing your life new chapter give me pleasure a lot.Because Spectrum of Life have such a large phenomenon we experience the time passes & we learn. If one pen the same it add the pages to share to someone….
It always feels so good to share and invite similar experiences. Life teaches us so much in so little time. 🙂
Well they do say we learn something new everyday.. life’s experiences teach us a lot..
And you are right there are good people .. and I beleive there are more good ..All the best to where you are going..
Take care.
Thank you so much. I seriously believe that there’s more good than bad. We just need to focus on the goodness.
Life is a journey – lessons, hardships, love, laughter, we find so much on this way! Beautiful post! Wishing you the best in your new adventures!
Thank you so much. Indeed Life teaches us so much of everything!
All the very best, Nibha, as you move to a new city. May the new city welcomes you with open arms and you create great and exciting moments and memories there!
Thank you so much Shilpa. I hope this one treats me better than the previous one!! 😛
Ohhhh, the story of my life… Hahaha – Felt very touched reading your post… Those emotions of breaking up, leaving something behind, and also being exited about the new coming up…For me always mixed emotions …Best of luck:-) Hugs
Thanks so much Eli. Indeed it’s so much of feelings when we leave a place and move to a different place! *Hugs*
You’re leaving us already? But with lots of lessons. Super glad to have met you, Nibha. Hope to see you around soon, again.
Yah, I left (not with a heavy heart though 😛 ) It was amazing having met you! Just call a blogger meet and I’m already on my way! 😛
Glad to have met you Nibha! I know Bangalore did not give you what you expected but it gave you some valuable lessons and us. right? Take care and stay in touch! hugs!
It gave me so many lessons, that too at the start of my career. But yah, it also gave a wonderful blogger family, didn’t it?
you left already? best wishes for the new journeys ahead 🙂
Yup! Life again called for some change! 🙂
All the very best for the next step of your journey…
I was excited with the possibilities when I moved here and the city and the place has not disappointed me!
I consider the place I stay now as home. Just like I did with Mysore and Bangalore! 😀
I too hope to call this place my home now. It’s new, it’s different, let’s how it treats me! 🙂
All the very best Nibha for your new journey ahead..and Life is like that..!! Never according to what we think and plan but always full of surprises round the corner!
Exactly! Thank you so much for your wishes! 🙂
I cried when I had to leave Nagpur and come to Bangalore…But yea, like you said, a new place has so much to teach us…it sure did give me a lot of valuable lessons.
wish you the very best in this new phase of your life!
Thank you so much! I had also cried when I came to Bangalore but leaving it was a happier experience! 😛