The Sunday Scroll #6

Sunday Scroll

Hi all,

Another week went by and Sunday is here again. It went too fast isn’t it? Or am I the only one feeling so? May be! After all this is what happens when we are home enjoying summers. All the plans are thrown in the air to be executed tomorrow, which never comes.

What did I do the whole week??

Well, this is a question which I’m trying to answer since morning. It’s been more than 10 days I’m home now but I haven’t touched any of my books yet. They sitting ignored in the corner of my study table. What’s keeping me busy whole day is still a mystery to me. Most of the mornings are taken up by my driving lessons following which is helping Mom in kitchen for the breakfast. Half the day is over when I’m finished with day chores and afternoon nap calls tempting me. Walking and talking with Mom takes away the evening followed by yummy dinner and dreamy slumber. All this leaves me no time, for even blogging! In short, I’m having the time of my life, considering these holidays the last of the summer vacations I will ever have. πŸ™

Although this week wasn’t as futile as the last one. I did manage to strike off some items from my to-do list. Squeezing out hours from my not-so-busy schedule I managed to help my sister in her not-so-easy projects (result of being a writer of the family). After a Β long time, I picked up the brushes and painted something (no, nothing like a masterpiece, but it surely gave me the feeling I love). Apart from the achievement of these little tasks, I have nothing to boast about right now. And yah, I finished the next installment of the Clifton Series- Be Careful What You Wish For (Review will be up soon, hopefully).


Until Next Sunday,

Keep Smiling!



Linking this post to Write Tribe’s Wednesday PromptFree Write without any fillers. (Yayie, I did it one go! No editing! πŸ˜€ )

Write Tribe


0 thoughts on “The Sunday Scroll #6

  1. Afternoon naps tempt me too and sometimes I succumb to the call of the bed but most of the times I succeed in resisting the call.
    Enjoy the summer vacations. They are precious.

  2. Enjoying life should be top of the list because we only get one go around. Enjoy the vacation! As Kalpana says they are precious. Enjoy with no worries! The worse thing about them is they fly by always too fast.

    1. Yup!! They seem to fly by too past.. Although I didn’t strike off my to-do list but its fun in doing nothing!

  3. πŸ™‚ Share the painting you created! I would love to see that! I had a lazy week too. My family visited me and I had a blast. Now they are gone and I’m back to square one. *Weep weep*

    1. Shalini its not a painting, just my sister’s Tee that she wanted me to paint! I know the days after being with the family are the most lonesome days! πŸ™

        1. I know, but don’t be sad, we all there to make noise!! πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€
          Sure, in next sunday scroll πŸ™‚

  4. my last week has been sitting in a n classroom and listening to someone talk .. BORINGgggggggggggg and i yawned my head off every day …
    I so want to do nothinggggggggg πŸ™‚ enjoy while it lasts he he he

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