Filling My Life With Zest

Zest, Dictionary defines it as- Great enthusiasm and energy
But like love means different to everyone, friendship holds a different dimension for each person; similarly ZEST is a multidimensional word.

To me Zest means:

Z-Zeal to pursue my dreams
E-Encouragement to achieve my Goals
S-Satisfaction of whatever I have done so far
T-Thankfulness for the Gifts I’m bestowed upon

Everyone living a Zestful life has different sources to spill the enthusiasm in their life, and so have I. And here’s what adds Zest to my life:


Writing/Blogging: For a blogger/writer what else other than writing can be the most important ingredient of zest in his/her life. And so is mine. Creating different worlds and giving life to the characters of my own is a feeling undefined. To create a world to let others escape into it, is a small gesture towards a change I can bring.Writing poetry helps me let out my unspoken feelings and also let others connect with what they hide in the deepest corner of their hearts!


mom and dadParents: An hours talk with either Mom or Dad when I’m feeling low, is sure to pep me up and I find myself rejuvenated with eyes again fixed on fulfillment of my dreams. Being the infinite source of inspiration they fill my heart with a new ray of hope when the world tries to make me believe otherwise. They are the ones who make feel safe and secure in this world.

BFFs: They are the ones who pull me out of my cocoon and make me laugh when I don’t even want to smile. Their stupid jokes and funny comments don’t let me be sad for long. They fill my life with energy and make me believe that there is sure more happiness in the world than sadness. Without them I’m sure I might exist but surely can’t LIVE! They teach me How to Live Life Queen Size, enjoying every moment as and when it comes!


DSC_0242-001Sunsets: Boring to some may be, but to me Nature always held the key to my inner peace. Witnessing the Sun going down with night settling in slowly accompanied by the twinkling stars refreshes the soul and leaves me relaxed. Along with wait of few hours to new dawn of a new day, it brings along the thought that it’s just not the bright day that matters but the night is equally beautiful too!



Books: No, not the course books, if you are eyeing me suspiciously! 😛 It’s the fictional world that enchants me. It offers me to escape to the world other than reality. It lets me discover a different world everytime I open a different books. It lets me live various lives when others live just one! Going for a ride in the realm of fiction is an exciting and enriching experience and leaves me enthralled by its wonders.


Enough said for now! The list can still go on, but that would require a new post now!

This post is a part of the #ZestUpYourLife activity in association with TATA Zest and


11 thoughts on “Filling My Life With Zest

  1. ZEST u really elaborate the components in a lucid manner.i enjoyed a lot.unfolding LIFE in a different manner.

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