Confessions Of A Clingy Wife #NuptialNarratives
Okay so husband’s work trip called again and along with the empty suitcases, the clingy wife also came out of the hiding. Yup, that’s me and these are my confessions!
To be honest, I haven’t ever been a clingy girlfriend. Looking back, I haven’t even been a clingy person like a friend or daughter or sister or anything. I am an introvert so I have always understood the concept of having and giving space in every relationship. So, to find out this trait of mine, I myself was pretty much equally surprised.
After the husband dear left for the city farthest, I sat staring at the self-painted walls of my home wanting to run after him. The list of distractions (or the long-pending to-do list) called for attention but I gave them none. The unfinished and some even unstarted creative projects lurked their head up in hope of some love, but my brooding self didn’t look up. While mindlessly watching a web-series with a writer protagonist, my inner sadness channeled all the energy and pushed me to write this queer anecdote.
Not wasting any time, I picked up the laptop and started typing lest the muse might catch a flight too like my husband did. Quickly listing down my confessions, before the maid rings the bell and kickstarts the day for me.
- I can’t sleep. So there it is. Out in the open. It is definitely the very first of confession. Even though staying away from home since past 12 years, and three years of having a room to myself; I can’t sleep in an empty house or an empty room anymore. The sleep just eludes me. Talking to mom about it the other day and some other close friends and relatives, I found it’s not me freaked out, it’s true for almost all the wives! Phew!
- Laziness takes over. It feels like dear husband packed away all the motivation and took it with him. The only feeling that’s left is of staying in bed until he comes back, with some goodies obviously.
- Cooking becomes a chore. Well, it’s always been a chore but the little pleasure cooking brings has also been oozed out. I might as well survive on Maggi all week. But yeah, if the motivation strikes, I might end up cooking a complete meal with all the recipes that he despises and I love otherwise! Oh my non-glamorous and non-insta-worthy food, I crave you!
- Emptiness. Truth be told, the house feels empty and so does the heart. Cheesy much? For the last two days, out of habit, I have been roaming around the house mindlessly after every meeting not knowing what to do, because quick rant sessions in between meetings had become the norm.
- Let’s blame it on Covid. Like we do every other thing in our lives these days. The constant company the recently married couples were pushed into, after the pandemic was declared, had its effects. And its consequences are definitely showing up in our case. To clarify the doubts, by recently married I meant the ones who got married just before or after the first covid wave.
- No Social Circle. Continuing from above point, covid threw our individual social lives for an absolute toss. Most of the friends are either too busy dealing with covid consequences themselves or have just moved to their hometowns; leaving none to spend time with when left alone to stare the walls.
I think, that’s enough confessions to be let out for now from a self-accepting clingy wife. I should save the rest for his next work trip or may be just write about how he felt being away from his wife. 😉 Was it as liberating as the other husbands say it to be or is it just falsely glorified? What are your thoughts?

Temporary Solituteness give more insights to store from Mind.This type
Of situation is general phenomenon
with everyone where both are in job
and one has to go out for official
Cause but this is treasures of Life
in long-term.
Yes, it happens to most of us, so please don’t feel guilty! 🙂
For me, after being together for 24 years, I often welcome the solitude hubby’s outstation tours bring with them. He doesn’t travel as often, though, and that’s a relief, but I do like the change. I am not at all fond of cooking, so I welcome the respite and make do with khichdi or other such stuff that takes no more than 10 minutes in the kitchen. I do find it tough to fall asleep quickly, though, and the evenings often tend to be boring as he isn’t there to talk to. But, Netflix always comes to the rescue.
Shilpa Gupte recently wrote…Heartbreak. #FictionMonday