Travelling Through Time #NuptialNarratives
“Will we be actually able to time-travel?” I murmured to myself, as I turned the last page of the science fiction I had been currently reading. Wouldn’t have thought that the wish would come true the very next day!
Someone has rightly said, when you marry a person you just don’t marry him and his family, his present and his future but also everything in the past. Yesterday, I travelled through time with my husband walking into his childhood this time.
Some household chores steered us in the direction where the adventure started. I had seen quite some streets of this city, if not so much. But every new street I venture into intrigues me still. This time he led the way into the lanes of his older residence. It was nothing short of any time-traveling portal, for it instantly took us to the days of the early 90s. Oh, the good old days, which we all millennials reminisce about.
Even with the renovated houses, narrower lanes, and indoor-bound kids; the warmth that exuded from the vision of what was in front of my eyes is inexplicable. The different visions kept transpiring as the stories changed from him playing with his friends, running errands, studying sometimes, and planning mischiefs the other times. I watched in awe as the man beside me turned into a little kid, carefree yet curious!
Strolling through the parks, the ground zero of all his mischiefs, we ran into some of the neighbors of yesteryears. The memory of the Delhi aunties can certainly put all cloud storage services to shame! One conversation pulled one after the another, and I stood there smiling meekly with a balance of chuckle or too in between. I must say, I felt like a new bride again, standing shyly beside my husband as newlyweds do!
It was like downloading the files of old stories in space of my mind.
Even after almost three years of marriage and some added years of knowing him before that, I can say every anecdote still felt like discovering a different part of him, a part which might have been lost if not talked about, a part that shaped him into what he became today.
From the house and the parks, our escapade moved from the days of mere merriment to the days of little responsibilities. The hunger for more stories turned us towards then-famous food stalls and busy market-area where each one of the old shops had its own scoop to add. After gobbling one full samosa mixed with lots of laughter and surprises, I looked at the other one longing for more, which I tell you rarely is the case these days. Every bite of it took me to those carefree joyous moments of childhood when just a samosa was enough to define our happiness especially when we had purchased it ourselves from the shop, even so, if it took jumping around the counter to be noticed by the shopkeeper!
As we walked through the lanes of childhood nostalgia, I keep catching glances at his face, imagining the younger version of him as seen from the old album photos, a smile keeps popping up on my face.
I type this here, recounting the day, sitting next to him snoring away to glory, he looks like a bundle of amazing untold stories still waiting to be unwrapped!
This post has been written as a part of #WriteAPageADay on Blogchatter.

It was a nice read and it brought back a lot of lovely memories. My husband and I lived in the same lane, even then we have a lot of different memories associated. Our homes are still on the same lane and it’s really special to us. I could relate to this so much. He took me to places within our area where I’ve not been before and it definitely felt like a different place altogether.
Oh wow! Nostalgic 90s! And I remember buying samosas in the school canteen! What pride! Damn! You triggered a wave of my own childhood memories – primarily of shopping alone!
Hahaha! Lovely read! 😀
P.S. – In the commentluv below, I am linking to an older post from my blog, about the kids who came shopping alone to my neighborhood stationery & gift store. Your post made me think – maybe one day I will be the ‘aunty’ telling stories about my shop-kids to their new spouses! :))
Kay recently wrote…When Kids go Shopping… Alone!
What a beautiful read this was, Nibha! Your words definitely added brilliant hues to your husband’s childhood streets, parks, and stories. You have a lifetime to slowly unwrap the stories residing in each other. You are weaving a beautiful tale out of your life with your husband through these snippets you share, Nibha.
Vinitha recently wrote…Mindfully Creating #FridayReflections
Such a brilliant post. This could easily be an episode on a series about love <3
Soumya recently wrote…Talk About Love That Matters
Awww to relive his childhood through the stories… how adorable. I love to hear stories of my husband too. The aunties would narrate with so much drama and fondness, it is always entertaining to listen to these stories. You have written so beautifully. I could imagine you listening and smiling next to your husband.